
Boxing Training Myths – Whats Right and What Wrong

boxing training myths

There are so many “I-know-everything” guys out there, saying different things, do’s and don’ts about boxing, boxing training, and everything in between.  Train in any boxing gym in the world, and there are boxing training myths you will hear.

The funny thing is, beginners tend to believe these einsteins that they end up confused with what’s true and what’s not.

You see, it’s okay to listen and take a few nods from these guys but once you walk away, forget everything they say and take advice from real experts. (This is the reason why you should hire a trainer if you are really serious about the sport.)

4 Boxing training myths you want to know.

Dummies may easily be fooled but it is not a crime to be gullible, not using the common sense that was given to you is. So let us take some time and enumerate boxing training myths and bury it once and for all:

Myth #1: Running long slow distances is good for the boxer.

Sure, it is not going to hurt but this doesn’t make you the most effective boxer.

You see, boxing and running don’t match. Just compare the physique of a boxer and the physique of a marathon runner and you’ll see a great difference.

I have nothing against long-distance runners but they train for long, thin muscles that a boxer doesn’t need. Sure, boxers need the stamina of a runner but he can get that in other ways.

Myth #2: Gaining muscles slow you down

Now, this is the exact opposite of #1. Let us look at this example: 2 boxers, A and B. They have the same weight, same height, same speed, same skills, and same everything.

The only difference is, A is stronger than B. Who do you think is going to win? If you are going to believe the myth, you’ll pick Boxer B, but if you are going to use your common sense.

You can easily say that it is Boxer A simply because stronger muscles deliver stronger punches.

If you are training to become a boxer, you need as much muscle strength as you can. This will never become a problem when you step into the ring.

Just look at Mike Tyson, one of the greatest boxers in the history of the sport. You see him all packed up when he steps into the ring. Tell me, do his muscles become a hindrance to his winning?

boxing training myths

Myth #3: You can get six-pack abs by doing one thousand crunches every day

I know you have heard this before. Do you believe this? Let’s look at it in the simplest ways so that everyone can understand.

Every part of the body including that area has muscles, right? And at this moment, it may be covered by fat which is why you cannot see the definition.

If you are going to do one thousand crunches every day for the next 2 or so years, you are developing your abs.

But if it is covered by fat, how can you see it? Reduce your fat intake, do crunches, not necessarily 1000/day, and you’ll be able to see some cuts.

Myth #4: Excess fat still makes me fit

The last time I checked, fit and fat do not belong in the same sentence. Extra fat doesn’t make you any fitter. Muscles do.

Muscles make you stronger and faster. Fats just hang in there, like an extra padding that doesn’t do anything at all.

So if you are believing this claim just to make yourself feel better, forget it.

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