Mind & Body

Cialis and Viagra: Two Pills Necessary In Our Times


Two centuries ago, if anybody had proposed or stated that in the future the erectile disorder of men will be taken care of by two pills, Cialis and Viagra.  That somebody would have been taken for a fool.

Many of us believe that men in the past did not suffer from this disorder.

The truth is that this problem existed in the past.  The only exception is that, back then this disorder was present because of older age or simply by accident.

In those times, it wasn’t the most important problem people had to deal with.  Because of this, nobody used to make a big fuss about it.

Cialis and Viagra

Why do we have erectile dysfunction in modern times

It is true, although, that nowadays this erectile disorder has become more common.

There are many causes:

  • daily stress
  • pollution
  • smoking
  • an unhealthy alimentation
  • leading a sedentary life
  • lack of working out

These are only a few. In other words, an unhealthy lifestyle leads to a high percentage of men who suffer from this disorder.

How do you treat this disorder?

Until a few years ago, these men had no chance to resolve this issue. But along came Viagra, the magic pill.

For the men who were destitute until then from a passionate sexual life.  That moment meant an utter unlocking from suffering and the re-joining of a normal healthy life.

Viagra has changed the lives of many men.

Timing on when to take it

It was enough to take it just a few hours before the sexual performance, and the worries of the men suffering from ED ceased to exist.

The only disadvantage to Viagra was that nobody knew for sure when precisely he has to take it.

The solution to this problem is a brand new remedy for ED.  In the form of a pill called Cialis which appeared on the market.

This new magic pill brought about a plus of certainty to men all over the world.  Essentially being a more evolved Viagra.

The effect of this pill is that, once taken, lasts up to 36 hours. In this way, men don’t need to schedule when their sexual encounters with their partners happen.

Cilia and Viagra are here to help

This pill brought men suffering from ED a radical change in their life. They can again watch that smile that has been missing for so long upon their loving partners` faces.

Viagra and Cialis gave men back their masculinity.  Also, the confidence that we all human beings imperiously need.

We live in some harsh times, very different in all senses from the past.

A century of high speed, where everything evolves very quickly, and where men can not afford “to be less men”.

So, in times of daily stress and in times when perfection is generally required, the presence of these magic pills is more than necessary.

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