Mind & Body Relationships

Are You Too High Maintenance For Him ?

high maintenance girls

Girls, if you are single and have been that way for a while, there is more than a fair chance you could be too high maintenance for him.

To be blunt, men are simple creatures, a bit like cattle dogs, you give them a command and when they complete it, you pat them on the head, and give them a treat.

If you are making it too hard for a man, they will run away from you like crazy,  and no I  am not saying to act like a 1950s housewife and cook and clean for him.  I am saying STOP BEING HIGH MAINTENANCE.

high maintenance for him

What’s being high maintenance for him mean

If you criticize his every decision – ie. he buys a car cheap car that he can afford, as that’s what he budgeted for.  And you start pulling apart that decision.  That’s being narcissistic.

If you criticize the way he holds a wine glass – That’s just plain rude.

If you continuously stick him with the bill – Thats just being a cheap bitch.

You get the message, it’s being unreasonable when all you should be is reasonable.

You do not need to compete with a man.

Believe it or not, as women, you have the upper hand at all times. Women are different from men at all turns, Women are emotionally based, soft, and squidgy.  Women are nurturers.

To put it simply Men aren’t.

It’s how you decide to treat and interact with a man that will make all the difference, in whether your relationship moves forward or tanks quickly.

Do you think you jump tall buildings?

It’s a mistaken belief, to run around thinking you can jump tall buildings, and are prepared to leave a trail of destruction behind you.

It’s great to be self-aware, but you really need to have situational awareness.  Be mindful of how your actions affect things around you.

I am a woman hear me roar.

The suffrage movement is over, and so is the Burn the Bras.  Most countries both developed and developing have had female prime ministers. So get used to it.

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