
10 Fresh Ideas For Your Next Date

dating preparation

So, what’s a guy got to do these days for a date? Well, you might be surprised to hear that, when it comes to locations and venues at least, not a lot has changed.  Planning your date, just take a little bit of thought.

Still, it can be difficult to come up with new ways to impress your lady all the time so here are some ideas. Some of these are new, others are tried and trusted – and with good reason.

Remember, variety is the spice of life. This is important in long-running relationships as well as new ones, of course, but especially important in the early dating period.

In the early stages, you still don’t know each other all that well. A variety of activities helps fill in the blanks, you get to see each other in different environments and situations and get to know each other’s likes and dislikes in greater detail.

I mean if one of you is a curl-up and watch-a-movie person and the other’s a weekend thrill junkie into skydiving and bungee jumping you’ll have to find out the same way every other couple does.

planning your date

10 Fresh Ideas For Your Next Date

Dinner in a Restaurant

The first date should always be a dinner and/or drinks date. It’s just proper. A few drinks, some “getting to know you” talk, and play it by ear. If it’s a restaurant be sure and take her someplace you already know well, where the food is good and the service is excellent, and I shouldn’t have to tell you that you should pick up the bill now, do I?

Later you can try someplace new, talk to people, try and find a place that comes highly recommended, something a little bit more exotic and adventurous this time.

A movie

Despite what people say a movie’s never a good first date. For one thing, you’ll both be sitting there for an hour and a half at least, with no chance to make any conversation.

Second, you need to give your new lady a chance to get to know you before you put on any of those arms around her in the cinema moves.

She’ll be far more likely to snuggle up in your arms if you’ve already had some dinner and drinks beforehand and gotten past the whole awkward getting-to-know-each-other bit.

For the first movie date you want to be sure and let her pick the movie. Now, some blokes are lucky in that their girlfriends like the same sort of movies they do, but others aren’t.

You might want to watch Jason Statham drive fast cars, kick-ass, and blow-up helicopters whereas she might want to watch an insipid romantic comedy where Jennifer Anniston falls in love with Ben Affleck and Kevin James plays yet another fat goofy guy.

Well blokes, you got to bite the bullet on that one, I’m afraid. Let her have what she wants, sit down and suffer through it, quietly, and whatever you do don’t forget to turn off your bloody cell phone!

Oh and, once again, I shouldn’t have to tell you, if you’re taking her to the pictures then you better buy the tickets, and the popcorn and drinks and whatever else she wants.

Then, later you can go for a drink or a coffee and talk a bit about the movie and how good or bad it was, then discuss what you want to do for your next date.

Fun and Games

OK, it’s time to up the ante and make things a little more interesting. Restaurants, romantic comedies, these are pretty safe dates so far, now it’s time for a little more activity.  Planning your date with some action can be lots of fun.

Now the thing you’ll realize, when you start to think of an activity, is actually how many goofy pastimes other people have and how difficult it is to find an activity that’s suitable for your current situation.

There are lots of activities out there, like bowling for example, but that’s hardly going to make her go weak at the knees now is it? A few drinks and a couple of games of pool, a little better, but not by much.

You want to find an activity that you can do together, but nothing too competitive mind you, something fun. One ideal example is crazy golf. Now you might be thinking that’s a bit goofy, but the idea is just to do something a bit silly you can giggle about.

If you’re afraid she might consider it childish, or you’re not sure you can both sustain that level of giddiness then how’s about having a couple of grown-up martinis first and then playing crazy golf – plenty of giggles then, I guarantee you.

The best thing, though, is if there’s a fun fair or an amusement park nearby. Stroll along hand in hand, play a few games, hopefully win her a teddy bear, go on the Ferris wheel, hold her tight in the ghost train, then take her out again for some wine and some dancing.

Speaking of Wine

For your next date why not suggest a change of scenery, find out if there’s a local winery you can take her to, someplace where you can do some wine tasting and then, later, get well tasty on some wine. You’ll want to arrange some sort of transportation and/or accommodation for this one.

The Great Outdoors

The winery should be your first small outing, so now you should try and shoot for a full weekend. If there’s a beach or a lake nearby why not rent a place there; go for a stroll on the beach in the morning, lie out in the sun, get a tan, have a swim, maybe rent a boat, or at least go on a little boat trip.

If you’re too far inland then it might be best to go to a forest or a park, up into the mountains, and find a nice quiet place for a picnic and a nice bottle of wine so you both get tipsy, frisky, and au natural! 

Get sophisticated

Go to an art gallery, it’s a great place to just wander around for hours. Later go to a chic café to talk about what you’ve seen and have a quick bite to eat whilst you wait for the sun to go down. Next, hit a couple of trendy wine bars, then go clubbing.

Chances are you haven’t been in a club for a while now, the last time you were there you were single. Now you have a lovely lady with you so hit the dance floor and raise the roof. You’ll find it’s a new experience.

Finally, see if you can find yourself a cool after-hours place that plays some lounge/downtempo chilled-out music and has a couple of cocktails together.

Themed Nights

These are always a good idea, because, once again, variety is what’s key.

Remember you’re still in the early stages, still getting to know all those little details and quirks, and you need to keep it as fresh and exciting as possible. Planning your date with a theme takes real skill.

So if there’s a Latin dancing night, or a karaoke night, or whatever it might be, just go along for a laugh and try and get into the spirit of it.

Become a Groupon Groupie

Check out all those daily deals websites you’ve heard so much about. You’ll find all manner of bars, restaurants, and other activities and venues you’d never think about normally but you’re bound to see loads of deals that make you think, “Hey, why don’t we give that a try next week!”

Besides, all this wining and dining has probably put a bit of a dent in your pocket by now, so it’s always a good idea to start getting more economical about it.

“What do you feel like doing?”

Ok, so far you’ve been coming up with one brilliant date idea after another, and it’s great, but don’t forget to let her come up with a few too.

In the beginning, when you ask her what she’d like to do she’ll probably say something like, “Oh whatever, I don’t know, what do you think?” But after she’s gone out with you a bit more she won’t be so shy about saying it, so be sure and ask her again later on.

Get Crazy

When the ball is back in your court again it’s time to bring out the big guns and do something spectacular.

One idea that’s never failed is to rent out a hot air balloon you want to check the weather forecast well in advance and make sure you bring some sweaters if things start to get a little cool, but you can fit all that in a rucksack, as well as a bottle of champagne.

Yeah, there’s just nothing quite like it; gliding over the world, light as a feather, champagne bubbles tickling your brain – it’ll be an experience she’ll never forget.

OK, So now what?

Come on, at this stage, you’ve done everything from crazy golf to art galleries, you’ve walked beaches, gone up mountains, flown high above the world and you’ve drank and danced yourselves silly – I think it’s safe to say you’ve graduated from the dating game with honors!

Now it’s time to utter those four magical words; “Fancy a night in?”

It need not be anything elaborate, maybe snuggling up on the couch with a movie, or then again you could prepare a romantic evening for her right at home; cook a meal for her – that always goes down a treat – some candles, some soft music, a couple of drinks, give her a nice massage and well…

I only said I’d help you with dating, planning your date your business. So my job here is done, nothing else to say but good luck and what the hell are you still doing here?

Go on, stop reading this and ring her up man!

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